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4 Reasons Entrepreneurs Fail at Building a Personal Brand Dec 09, 2022

Establishing your personal brand is a marathon, not a sprint, yet most entrepreneurs make mistakes on top of giving up too soon.


Tom Peters coined the term "personal branding" in his widely cited 1997 Fast Company article, "The Brand Called You." Since then, personal...

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Article in Entrepreneur Magazine: 5 Steps for Coaches to Build an Effective Personal Brand and Stand Out in a Crowded Market Nov 29, 2022

The coaching industry is growing exponentially across the globe. According to ICF, the size of the coaching industry can be estimated at over $2B USD already. Such interest is not surprising, as coaching is directly tied to clients' growth, with studies measuring coaching as...

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{Podcast} Thrifty Marketer Talks Nov 29, 2022

47% of a company's reputation is influenced by the reputation of the CEO. While the value of personal brand building for entrepreneurs and executives is undisputed, there remain numerous misconceptions around what personal branding really is and where the journey to building a compelling personal...

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Feature in Entrepreneur Magazine: How to Build a Personal Brand in 5 Steps Aug 26, 2022

I once heard a saying that hit me hard. It goes like this: "We all die twice: the first time when we take our last breath and the second time when our names are said for the last time." Powerful, right?

It made me think of personal branding. First of all, most things make me think of...

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Feature in Inc Magazine: How to Work With a Writer to Build Your Personal Brand Aug 19, 2022

Entrepreneurs across the globe are becoming more interested in building their personal brands. Yet, as much as we feel ready to put ourselves out in the public eye to gain visibility for our businesses, it means a dedication to consistent content creation. And that presents a dilemma.

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{Podcast} The Brand Called You Jul 14, 2022

Our Co-Founder Marina Byezhanova was delighted to be a guest on Ashutosh Garg's podcast dedicated to the topic of personal branding, representing our personal branding agency. They spoke about the WHAT, the WHY, and the HOW of personal branding. With a multitude of personal stories and examples,...

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Making a Viral Impact with David Arsenault: A Case Study Apr 08, 2022

In February 2022, David Arsenault went viral on LinkedIn. The formula was a simple one: one single post comprised of 150 words, an image and a hashtag. David’s post racked up 2.5M+ views, 30,000 likes, and thousands of shares and comments. It trended for weeks as people from across the...

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