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How to Build a Personal Brand that Stands Out

authenticity personal brand personal brand building storytelling Aug 13, 2024

Has your marketing team been asking (maybe even begging) for you to  build your personal brand? You're not alone! At Brand of a Leader, we hear from marketers every single day and they all echo the same desire: for their CEO to have a bigger presence and help serve the marketing function of the organization as a result. The concept of “personal branding” was first coined by Dr. Tom Peters in the 90’s, but has surged in popularity, driven by a digital marketplace that prizes genuine connections and authenticity. For Gen X entrepreneurs and CEOs, building your personal brand online isn’t just another task on the to-do list—it’s now a strategic imperative. 

In an era where digital presence can define entrepreneurial success, strong personal brand building is crucial. It’s about making sure people not only know who you are as the leader of your organization but also appreciate the unique value you bring to your industry.

This article will provide a straightforward guide on how to build a personal brand that lasts. By the end, you will have a clear plan for developing your personal brand that aligns with your business goals and helps you stand out in the marketplace.

What Is Personal Branding?

Personal branding is about deliberately shaping how the public sees you. It involves highlighting your strengths and setting yourself apart from others in your field. Think about how companies use logos and slogans to be memorable. Personal branding does the same for individuals. It is how you present your unique skills, experiences, and personality to the world.

Why Invest in Personal Branding?

For Gen X leaders, who often juggle numerous responsibilities and are known to be what we lovingly call “time poor,”, developing a personal brand might seem like a luxury. However, in today’s market, where your digital identity can significantly impact your image, it’s essential.

  1. Visibility: A clearly defined personal brand makes you stand out. It helps people quickly understand who you are and what you bring to the table, thus helping your organization stand out as a result.

  2. Trust: People gravitate towards authenticity. A well-articulated personal brand builds trust, opening doors to new business and partnership opportunities.

  3. Connection: A clear and engaging personal brand attracts like-minded people and opportunities, enhancing your access to A-level talent and influence.


How to Create a Personal Brand That Stands Out

Creating a personal brand that makes a lasting impression involves understanding who you are, what you bring to the table, and who you are speaking to. Here are 10 steps to building a personal brand that is not only unique but also meaningful and lasting:

  1. Define Your Signature Brand

    Start by figuring out what you are known for. Remind yourself that you are your own brand. What are your core values? What are some of the key stories and patterns in your brand story? How do you want to sound? How do you want to be perceived? What do you want your personal brand to be? Getting clear on these points helps set the direction for all your branding efforts and shapes the main message you want to communicate to your audience.

  1. Establish Your Brand’s Narrative

    Building your personal brand involves telling a clear and compelling story. This is one of the key components of the Brand Identity we build for our clients and one that, time and time again, evokes  a lot of emotion. Gone are the days of boring bios written in 3rd person. Today, we connect through deep and vulnerable storytelling. What is the story of your life and what are the key stories you want to be telling? .

  1. Identify Your Target Audience

    Understanding who you want to reach is essential. Your audience’s needs will influence everything from how you talk to where you post your content. Knowing whether your audience is corporate executives, fellow entrepreneurs, or another group helps you tailor your messages to speak directly to them, making your content more impactful. And here is another tip we like to give and it’s one nobody else talks about. Think of a secondary audience. One that serves no transactional needs whatsoever, but is the audience you simply connect with on a human level. For many of us, it’s the younger version of us - we become the Mom or Dad or cool Uncle or Aunt they never had. The reason we recommend thinking of this secondary audience is that it makes the (often uncomfortable) process of personal brand building more meaningful and less self-serving.

  1. Enhance Your Digital Footprint

    What comes up when someone Googles your name? And yes, let’s be honest, we all Google each other. And now we are beginning to ask questions about each other up in ChatGPT. When creating your personal brand online, it's essential to ensure that your LinkedIn, articles, and social media profiles consistently reflect your personal brand, are relevant, and authentic. Regularly update these platforms to maintain credibility and authenticity, and to keep your audience engaged.

  1. Forge Meaningful Connections

    Genuine relationships are crucial for personal brand development. The strength of your online visibility and engagement is directly proportional to the strength of your connections offline. And do remember that engagement is a two way street. If you do decide to create online content, it is essential to reply to the people who take the time to leave a comment on your posts.  

  1. Embrace Authentic Storytelling

    Tell stories about your real-life experiences and lessons. Being genuine makes your personal brand more relatable and memorable. This approach sets you apart from others and helps build a loyal audience. No, don’t create stories of faux suffering to grab some low hanging likes. And don’t try to make connections where there are none (we all cringed at the guy who wrote a post sharing how his career in sales helped him propose to his now fiancee). Authenticity is indeed key, so tell the stories in your own authentic manner. 

  1. Manage Your Brand’s Energy

    Get help! You’re not building your personal brand to become an influencer. You want to serve your business. So naturally you are unlikely to find extensive time in your busy schedule for it. This is why agencies like Brand of a Leader exist. We ensure the consistency of your  personal branding content, and consistency is of course what wins the day.

  1. Maintain Comfort in Your Sharing Boundaries

    Decide how much personal information you are comfortable sharing and stick to it. Being open can help with authenticity, but oversharing can be off-putting. One of the biggest personal branding myths is that you cannot be a private person. So wrong. Most of our clients at Brand of a Leader are exceptionally private and do not want to cross these boundaries. What you don’t want to do when creating your personal brand is to sound like a corporate robot who only talks shop, so do find a topic that has nothing to do with business and do share with depth, but you decide what that topic is and maintain the boundaries that are authentic to you.

  1. Optimize and Repurpose Content

    Maximize your personal branding marketing by adapting content for different formats and platforms. Turn an article into a social media post, a podcast episode, or a book. This helps reach more people and reinforces your main messages across different channels. And again - this is where an agency partner can help.

  1. Cultivate Consistency

    Being consistent in how you communicate and interact helps build recognition and trust. Quantity matters less but consistency is non-negotiable.


By following these steps, you can build a personal brand that not only stands out but also serves the goals of your organization. 

You don’t have to be everything to everyone. It’s much more effective to be the authentic version of yourself that speaks to the soul of your target audience. At Brand of a Leader, we specialize in helping Gen X leaders like yourself discover and articulate your unique brand essence. If you are looking to make a lasting impact and inspire others, we are here to help you architect a personal brand that stands out.

Building your own personal brand does not happen overnight, but with the right strategy and support, it can become your most powerful asset.

To start your journey towards a standout personal brand, book a discovery call with us today!


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